Kutcher Tax Careers, Inc., Logo

No Other Recruiter Understands Taxation Like Our Firm!

Phone Icon (914) 592-6887

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday: 9:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. EST
Alternative Hours Upon Appointment


"A refreshing alternative to the traditional staffing firm, I felt comfortable and at ease dealing with Howie. His firm found the last two tax positions for me.  When I started up the tax department of a fast growing company, I used Kutcher Tax Careers to fill several roles..."  
Steve B.- Tax Manager

"We express appreciation for Howie's service to the accouting profession by being a committee member for several years.  This work helps a profession meet new challenges in the increasing complex business and regulartory environment..."
NY State Society of CPA's.

"I have called on Howie's firm to assist us with our staffing needs for a number of years. The fact that he has a technical background as a CPA and tax practioner gives a clear advantage over other recruiters. He's sincere and gives each assignment 110%! His firm is on my "short list" of recruiters whom I contact when my company has a tax need... "
William J.- Director of Human Resources Regional CPA Firm
